Guess what! your fine, there's nothing wrong with you, your assessments are correct. You are not the one with the problem. Don't let the emotional turmoil that they have caused cloud the issues. Your thoughts are valid everywhere else in the world except jw land. The decisions you make shouldn't make you feel bad but it ain't easy either. In the long run you will win. Trust me. If you make this decision and remain true to yourself remaining a loving person to your family, there is not a thing they can do or say. If there is no response to your love and kindness then you know that it's not the place to be anyhow. Love is all that matters in the end. Be patient time has a way of healing things.
Tyrone van leyen
JoinedPosts by Tyrone van leyen
I think I'm screwing myself
by nonamegiven inget your mind out of the gutter, not screwing myself that way haha.. for those that don't know, i'm df'd, trying to get reinstated so i can get family/friends back in my life than fade away faster than the only good radio station you can tune in on a long road trip.
basically, i can't keep my mouth shut.
my mom and i were talking the other day.
Pat Robertson Prediction
by robhic ini didn't see this anywhere here, so thought you might be amused by this story.. i was watching fox news this morning.
they had a quick story about ole pat robertson predicting a major terrorist strike in the us sometime after september of 2007. millions would be affected (he didn't specify killed or what, just affected...).
but the kicker was this:.
Tyrone van leyen
Pat Robertson is living proof that people will always need some kind of false prophet and they will continue to listen even if the prophecy is 100% wrong. We are living in the information age and you wouldn't think it so. The witnesses have 130 years of false prophecy and are still going strong. Some fools are so lost, you could sell them magic beans. There will always be a great market for hope. Too bad there isn't a great market for common sense.
I don't know what to make of this one
by truthsetsonefree incheck out this email i got from a jw today: .
the recall of all humans .
the maker of human beings is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary central component, or heart.
Tyrone van leyen
Note to jw email: The source of the defect has been established. It eminates from all local kingdom halls. No need to repent and sell watchtowers. SIN actually means sociopathic indoctrinated nutbars. The cure for this ailment is to install a zipper on the heads of the governing body so there brains can be massaged.
WHO'S 40 OR NEARLY 40!!!!!
by bubble inhi everybody and happy new year.
2007 is the year i turn 40, in fact in exactly one month's time to be precise.. i've noted that a lot of people on jwd are a similar age to me.
i think it's because it takes us this long to pluck up the courage to finally leave the borg.. i need to know how turning 40 makes you feel.
Tyrone van leyen
Indeed, a paradigm shift, a crisis, new knowledge, many things can happen that can speed up life and retard it as well, like jehovah's witnesses. Sometimes I feel that my mid life crisis came at thirty in anticipation of what 40 would be like. At 40 now ,I wouldn't call it a crisis, but I am certainly more aware than ever of lost time, potential, and regrets. It is now options reduction, moreso than options enhancement. My anger has subsided too, mostly because I just don't have the physical energy to keep bitching. I'm also still trying to adjust my attitudes on the world and judge less. Got a clearer sense of what really matters now. When I finally get it all figured out they'll be throwing dirt in my face.
WHO'S 40 OR NEARLY 40!!!!!
by bubble inhi everybody and happy new year.
2007 is the year i turn 40, in fact in exactly one month's time to be precise.. i've noted that a lot of people on jwd are a similar age to me.
i think it's because it takes us this long to pluck up the courage to finally leave the borg.. i need to know how turning 40 makes you feel.
Tyrone van leyen
Aug. 1 1966. that's me. A mid life crisis comes about when one see's where others are in the stream of time and realizes that they are not at that point. Whether that be emotionally, mentally or financially. We all develop at different rates given our circumstances. Some never change and are blissfully unaware. Where should we be at half life? Given the world we live in with wars, disease unemployment and evil abounding. I define sucess as i'm sane, alive, I eat well,and havn't killed anyone yet. Of course we all want more, but be thankful you made it thus far. Take what's left of the next half of your life and declare that this half is yours. Do your best. It's all we can do. The rest is fate.
Not talking about JW stuff has the opposite effect - regression phase
by truthseeker ini decided to take the advice of some of you here when i wrote about my situation.. i am married, but my wife is a die hard witness.
despite me showing her mountains of evidence and her actually accepting it, she is regressing back into jw think.. this has happened since i stopped mentioning anything anti-jw.. now she thinks that my problems with jw's were just a phase because i am not bringing up the issue anymore.. i really want to leave this religion, but i can't do that without losing her.. many here i know are trapped and some are still serving as elders.
i don't know how you do it, but i guess routine is routine.
Tyrone van leyen
What's it all worth if you are considered second in place of an undying fanatical love for the organization. If I really loved her I would try, but I realized who and what comes first in my family, and I ain't it. You may find your jouney in life severly inhibited in this atmosphere if you are not going in the same direction. Drop hints, feel the situation out. Understand she may have more invested than you. I tend to agree that if you are not affected by the religion and still carry on happy and sucessful it should seriously negate the veiw she has on it's relevance and impotance in everyday life.
by Mary inseeing as i have the wt in front of me today, i thought you'd enjoy the questions from readers from the february 15, 2007 article on the evils and pagan origins on toasting or clinking of glasses.
the article specifically mentions how not everything today that was of pagan origin is necessarily bad, and sites "wedding rings" as being of pagan origin, but it's not viewed like that now.
then, incredibly, they go on and say that while toasting might not be considered a religious practice today, there's "good reason" for christians to avoid it------without giving any valid reason why other than: do as we say:.
Tyrone van leyen
Interesting how they skip over the pagan origins of the wedding rings, not establishing that as being wrong. Then they provide evidence about toasting as being wrong. Nice to be able to pick and chose what truth is for everybody. I noticed at my brothers wedding they wern't allowed throwing rice either. What a bunch of killjoys. It would be interesting to see if anyone would ever tell them to f off if they said " no,"to wedding dresses and "no" to rings. These are the same folks that told me I could not be party to either, of my only brothers weddings. Too bad, cuz they arn't invited to mine if it ever happens. My family that is.
Tough love with full grown kids, I am so tired.
by restrangled ini am beyond tired and sad, this has nothing to do with shunning, or throwing them out.
my heart hurts but i know i must stand firm.. r..
Tyrone van leyen
Tough love, isn't that the kind of love the watchtower is famous for? Any kid growing up in this, I can gaurantee you, is fed up to the gills with it. Establishing identity in a rule oreiented house, is common among teens and a natural part of development. This development however becomes delayed in many a witness home. At some point a parents job becomes more of a guide and unconditional love is important to the exploration of a cruel world. I would love to have had you as my parents. I never received anything from anyone even as a witness. I didn't even know about welfare and slept in my car {which I paid for while working after school. I lived by every rule ever invented by these shitheads and got nothing more than a boot in the ass when leaving home. In the end I turned into absolutely nothing that they said I was. It was there fears, and consequently they lost 20 years plus of my presence and are now dealing with very angry adults. I personally don't beleive in rewarding bad behaviour. Cause and effect must be learned sooner or later. Reward the good behaviour and trust that this is just a learning expereince however long that it lasts. Do not equate love with giving. Sometimes giving is only a bandage for things you cannot express. Perhaps it is time to back off and see if his real love is motivated by his comfy life, or the merits of his soul and character. Abscensce makes the heart grow fonder on both sides and will be the new starting point for a new relationship and new understanding of each other. Let go and stop torturing yourself over things that will inevitably fix themselves. Your trust and understanding will go a long way and he will better be able to define himself without any hinderance. The only thing i'm against is evil for the sake of evil. This I will reject a family member for.
Lyman Swingle (GB) told me what would bring down the Organization!
by new boy init was about 15 years ago.......... i was at a one day special event in woodburn or.
i was talking to lyman swingle about how the society could save some money.
it was a crazy idea ( to crazy to relate here)...............anyway he laughed and said to me.. "brother..........we have always had the money to do the things we needed to do.......and if we didn't.......we felt it was god's holy spirit telling us, it wasn't what we should be doing" said "so the money is like a barometer, no approval, no money"......he said "yea..... i guess you could say that!
Tyrone van leyen
Unfortunately, the watchtower learned early in the game how to weave there lies into the fabric of the rational mind and tinged it with fear and guilt. Further they have taken their own structure and replaced it in a do or die situation where family is concerned. Even during the depression the watchtower did tremendously well ,because people can't have there hopes taken away. The catholic church survived thousands of lawsuits. This organization from it' earliest beginings has had the best business and legal minds going for its own protection. It is interesting that Jesus chose Judas knowing his heart condition to look after the treasury dept. Perhaps Jesus knew even then that his church was alive, not because of money, but because of spirit. He knew it when he tossed out the money lenders and maketers beating them with a whip of ropes. Today the society has formed a massive black hole that eats up money and accomplishes nothing. They are woshipping there real father whether they think so or not. Christ said, do not be concerned over your food or clothing. Does not your heavenly father know your needs. Instead store up treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not consume. People awaiting the end don't usually buy billions of dollars worth of real estate. Honestly though I don't think much will ever change unless Jesus comes with sword and does what he did in the first century to all churches.
The 613 Laws of JW's
by avidbiblereader inthe witnesses always say they are free in christ, i beg to differ, i don't know how many stupid unscriptural laws they have but lets start a thread on how many dumb witness laws you know and have heard of that make no sense or completely unbelievable, it is like they have a second talmud.
cant have walt disney movies or stuffed animals as this is magical.
cant have beards.
Tyrone van leyen
Good points. Sometimes I think the elders know how fu$%$%^ insane there rules are, and are testing the waters to see just how much power they really have. Imagine what a trip it must be for a knowbody to give counsel on every single aspect of your life. In real life, such a fool would be laughed at and probably get there nose broken for overstepping their boundaries. They have the power to destroy lives and they know it. As much power as the r&f give them, which is everything. To them, with this power they behave like a bunch of schoolyard bullies who just got a new car with all the bells and whistles and want to know how everything works. They test all of the buttons insisting that you wear seatbelts and obey all rules while they wrecklessly drive anywhere they please and then exit the vehicle in a ball of flames leaving you trapped in your seatbelt. Rules indeed have taken on a life of their own. If Jesus walked into a kingdom hall today he would vomit in disgust. He would say what are you doing to my sheep. I never instructed any of this. Then he would tell the elders to humble themselves by taking the lowest of the congregation and give them power over the elders or else.